Slapstick Festival: Hundreds of Beavers

12 Feb, 8:30 - 10pm @ Bristol Aquarium [ Film & Media , Festivals ]

Slapstick Festival: Hundreds of Beavers
With Ryland Brickson Cole Tews

Made on a lowly $100,000 budget, this surprise independent hit about a trapper (Ryland Brickson Cole Tews) battling malevolent beavers is already heading towards cult classic status, having picked up scores of awards from festivals worldwide, earning glowing reviews from top critics & audiences and getting a 97% score on the Rotten Tomatoes’ tomatometer. It is also such a masterful homage to slapstick hits of the silent era that its makers are being awarded the Slapstick Legacy Medal.

With introduction and post show conversation hosted by Robin Ince awith co-writer/ lead actor Ryland Brickson Cole Tews Plus Q&A

“Genuinely bananas and genuinely funny” – Mark Kermode. 

Flyer information for Slapstick Festival: Hundreds of Beavers
BPT 0125